My CV can be found here.
I’m currently thinking a lot about contextuality, especially qubit strong non-locality.
Publications and other writing
Bases for optimising stabiliser decompositions of quantum states (2024)
With Nadish de Silva, Sergii Strelchuk
Accepted into Quantum Science and Technology in June 2024
Fast algorithms for classical specifications of stabiliser states and Clifford gates (2024)
With Nadish de Silva, Wilfred Salmon
Accepted into Quantum in December 2024
Various Equivalent Formalisms for Contextuality (2024)
An essay I wrote for the final project of a graduate course, in which I give a review of the basics of contextuality. Contextuality is an important property possessed by certain quantum systems which is necessary for many quantum algorithms, and is strongly connected to computational advantage of certain quantum algorithms over classical ones.
Mathematical Modelling of a Cytoskeletal System: Optimisation of a Plasmid Partitioning Mechanism Using Artificial Evolution (2022)
My dissertation for my Systems Biology Master’s project, in which I used a genetic algorithm developed in the lab of François Nédélec (Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge) to find optimal parameters for an idealised cell to successfully separate copies of DNA in preparation for cell division.
GitHub stuff
Python-compatible data files for stabiliser states of ≤ 5 qubits, with information including the state vector and the generators of the stabiliser group of each state.